Saturday, April 6, 2013

My 'Why Paparazzi' Story

This week's challenge was to post our 'Why Paparazzi' story. Some of those posted are so inspiring and brought tears to my eyes as I read about single moms who are only able to have a great life for themselves and their kids because of Paparazzi! My story isn't nearly so powerful, but I wanted to share it none the less. This is taken directly from my post on the FaceBook group. Here it is:

Here's my Why Paparazzi: My story is a lot simpler than a lot of others' I've been reading on here. It's not nearly as inspirational, however, I do find Paparazzi to be more inspirational every day! I was introduced to it by my sponsor, Jessica Walker. She was in my town for a few days and I wanted to buy some cheap jewelry for myself. I really didn't think I'd be impressed (because how good can $5 jewelry really be?) and decided I was only going to buy one thing. Well, she came over and $20 later...I was so impressed! I told her that I couldn't believe how similar it was to Lia Sophia but I only paid the tax cost I would have for Lia Sophia jewelry! I booked a party with her a few weeks later, something I swore I would never do because I do not like to host or entertain...and I'm kind of bad at it too. We had a decent turn out for my party back in August 2012 and she sold $300 worth of jewelry in three hours!

When I decided to host the party, I had no intentions of joining. After the party, I had high hopes I could do it. I read through the polices and procedures and talked to my husband for several months. He was skeptical since it was a direct sales company and he isn't in favor of pyramid schemes. He read a few pages of the policies himself and said "This actually looks pretty legit." Even though it took a while, I was finally able to buy the $300 kit with some tax return money this February. I've only been doing this about 5 weeks, but I've already made back my money 200%! So my actual "Why" is simply so that I can pay for my little hobbies like showing dogs again and doing a little bit of traveling. I just want some extra spending money without feeling too bad about figuring out if it's the month's budget. And now that I'm in, I love it and really hope it becomes more than just a way to make some fun money.

I've already had my first launch party (at my house haha!) and a friend hosted a party for me this past week - so I found this last training call to be perfect for me - and I have another hosted party booked in two weeks. Plus, I have two craft fairs lined up in May. I really am amazed at how well it's taken off. Thanks for letting me share and sorry it's so long!

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